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Rabu, 25 November 2015

Contoh descriptive text

My Sphynx cat
My Sphynx cat is the only pet I have. He has a little hair but is not totally hairless as he has a peach fuzz over much of his body. His coat is often a warm chamois. My Sphynx has a normal cat proportion.

I like his tail although my mom say that it is like a rats tail. I love his usual color varieties including, tortoiseshell, chocolate, black, blue, lilac, chocolate etc. He is really an amazing cat. Believe it or not, he is very intelligent cat. He can respond my voice commands.

He is really funny as well as my friends get a joke. I love him so much as I love my mother.

My Small House
I live in a small house. It has five rooms: there are two bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Indeed it is a small house; but I like living in here for wasting my spare time.

When the door is open, I can see the living room. It is so small with only three chairs and a table, nothing else. I prefer reading a novel in this room.

My bedroom is in the left side of the living room. In this room there is a night table next to the bed, a TV, a radio, and a computer. When being bored of reading, I usually play online games, chat with my friends via Facebook and so on.

Next to my bedroom is my mother's. I do not know what is inside because I never come in to see it. In the right side of the living room there is the kitchen. In the kitchen I have everything I need when I get hungry. It is very pleasure when my mother cooks, the smell fills my whole house.

I know it is a very small house; but it is the best place I have ever seen.

Report text


Venice is a city in northern Italy. It is the capital of region Veneto. Together with Padua, the city is included in the Padua-Venice Metropolitan Area. Venice has been known as the “Queen of the Adriatic”, “City of Water”, “City of Bridges”, and “The City of Light”. The city stretches across 117 small islands in the marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy.

Venice is world-famous for its canals. It is built on an archipelago of 117 islands formed by about 150 canals in a shallow lagoon. The islands on which the city is built are connected by about 400 bridges. In the old center, the canals serve the function of roads, and every form of transport is on water or on foot.

You can ride gondola there. It is the classical Venetian boat which nowadays is mostly used for tourists, or for weddings, funerals, or other ceremonies. Now, most Venetians travel by motorised waterbuses (“vaporetti”) which ply regular routes along the major canals and between the city’s islands. The city also has many private boats. The only gondolas still in common use by Venetians are the traghetti, foot passenger ferries crossing the Grand Canal at certain points without bridges.

You can see the amusing city’s landmarks such as Piazza San Marco, Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo, Saint Mark’s Cathedral or villas of the Veneto. The villas of the Veneto, rural residences for nobles during the Republic, are one of the most interesting aspects of Venetian countryside.

They are surrounded by elegant gardens, suitable for fashionable parties of high society. The city is also well known for its beautiful and romantic view, especially at night.

Rangkuman materi Narative text

Pengertian Narrative Text
 Definisi  Narrative Text itu seperti apa? Disebutkan bahwa A narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people (teks narasi adalah cerita imaginatif yang bertujuan menghibur orang).
Generic Structure dari Narrative Text
 Generic Structure  Narrative Text apa saja sih? Bagi sobat yang masih duduk di bangku sekolah tingkat menengah, penjelasan mengenai narrative texts tak usah sulit-sulit ya.. Intinya, narrative text ini mempunyai struktur / susunan seperti di bawah ini :  Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced.(berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana)
Complication : Where the problems in the story developed. (Permasalahan muncul / mulai terjadi dan berkembang)
Resolution : Where the problems in the story is solved. Masalah selesai, --- secara baik "happy ending" ataupun buruk "bad ending".
Kadangkala susunan (generic structure) narrative text bisa berisi: Orientation, Complication, Evaluation, Resolution dan Reorientation. Meski “Evaluation” dan “Reorientation” merupakan optional; bisa ditambahkan dan bisa tidak. Evaluation berisi penilaian/evaluasi terhadap jalannya cerita atau konflik. Sedangkan Reorientation berisi penyimpulan isi akhir cerita.
Jika sudah mahir membuat cerita narrative, susunannya bisa diubah-ubah kok, yang terpenting bagian-bagian di atas masih tetap ada dalam tulisan narrative sobat.

Grammar Used dalam Narrative Text
 Grammar  (tata bahasa) yang sering muncul dalam membuat narrative text adalah:
Menggunakan tenses "Past", baik simple, past perfect, past continuous, past perfect continuous, atau bisa saja past future continuous. (aturan ini bukan aturan wajib yang mutlak harus dipenuhi kok. Tidak percaya, tanyakan pada guru bahasa Inggris sobat)
Sumber ENGLISHINDO.COM Referensi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online:


Once upon a time... there lived an unhappy young girl. Unhappy she was, for her mother was dead, her father had married another woman, a widow with two daughters, and her stepmother didn't like her one little bit. All the nice things, kind thoughts and loving touches were for her own daughters. And not just the kind thoughts and love, but also dresses, shoes, shawls, delicious food, comfy beds, as well as every home comfort.

All this was laid on for her daughters. But, for the poor unhappy girl, there was nothing at all. No dresses, only her stepsisters' hand-me-downs. No lovely dishes, nothing but scraps. No nice rests and comfort. For she had to work hard all day, and only when evening came was she allowed to sit for a while by the fire, near the cinders. That is how she got her nickname, for everybody called her Cinderella. Cinderella used to spend long hours all alone talking to the cat. The cat said,

"Miaow", which really meant, "Cheer up! You have something neither of your stepsisters have and that is beauty."

It was quite true. Cinderella, even dressed in rags with a dusty gray face from the cinders, was a lovely girl. While her stepsisters, no matter how splendid and elegant their clothes, were still clumsy, lumpy and ugly and always would be.

One day, beautiful new dresses arrived at the house. A ball was to be held at Court and the stepsisters were getting ready to go to it. Cinderella, didn't even dare ask, "What about me?" for she knew very well what the answer to that would be:

"You? My dear girl, you're staying at home to wash the dishes, scrub the floors and turn down the beds for your stepsisters. They will come home tired and very sleepy." Cinderella sighed at the cat.

"Oh dear, I'm so unhappy!" and the cat murmured "Miaow".

Suddenly something amazing happened. In the kitchen, where Cinderella was sitting all by herself, there was a burst of light and a fairy appeared.

"Don't be alarmed, Cinderella," said the fairy. "The wind blew me your sighs. I know you would love to go to the ball. And so you shall!"

"How can I, dressed in rags?" Cinderella replied. "The servants will turn me away!" The fairy smiled. With a flick of her magic wand... Cinderella found herself wearing the most beautiful dress, the loveliest ever seen in the realm.

"Now that we have settled the matter of the dress," said the fairy, "we'll need to get you a coach. A real lady would never go to a ball on foot!"

"Quick! Get me a pumpkin!" she ordered.

"Oh of course," said Cinderella, rushing away. Then the fairy turned to the cat.

"You, bring me seven mice!"

"Seven mice!" said the cat. "I didn't know fairies ate mice too!"

"They're not for eating, silly! Do as you are told!... and, remember they must be alive!"

Cinderella soon returned with a fine pumpkin and the cat with seven mice he had caught in the cellar. "Good!" exclaimed the fairy. With a flick of her magic wand... wonder of wonders! The pumpkin turned into a sparkling coach and the mice became six white horses, while the seventh mouse turned into a coachman, in a smart uniform and carrying a whip. Cinderella could hardly believe her eyes.

"I shall present you at Court. You will soon see that the Prince, in whose honor the ball is being held, will be enchanted by your loveliness. But remember! You must leave the ball at midnight and come home. For that is when the spell ends. Your coach will turn back into a pumpkin, the horses will become mice again and the coachman will turn back into a mouse... and you will be dressed again in rags and wearing clogs instead of these dainty little slippers! Do you understand?" Cinderella smiled and said,

"Yes, I understand!"

When Cinderella entered the ballroom at the palace, a hush fell. Everyone stopped in mid-sentence to admire her elegance, her beauty and grace.

"Who can that be?" people asked each other. The two stepsisters also wondered who the newcomer was, for never in a month of Sundays, would they ever have guessed that the beautiful girl was really poor Cinderella who talked to the cat!

When the prince set eyes on Cinderella, he was struck by her beauty. Walking over to her, he bowed deeply and asked her to dance. And to the great disappointment of all the young ladies, he danced with Cinderella all evening.

"Who are you, fair maiden?" the Prince kept asking her. But Cinderella only replied:

"What does it matter who I am! You will never see me again anyway."

"Oh, but I shall, I'm quite certain!" he replied.

Cinderella had a wonderful time at the ball... But, all of a sudden, she heard the sound of a clock: the first stroke of midnight! She remembered what the fairy had said, and without a word of goodbye she slipped from the Prince's arms and ran down the steps. As she ran she lost one of her slippers, but not for a moment did she dream of stopping to pick it up! If the last stroke of midnight were to sound... oh... what a disaster that would be! Out she fled and vanished into the night.

The Prince, who was now madly in love with her, picked up her slipper and said to his ministers,

"Go and search everywhere for the girl whose foot this slipper fits. I will never be content until I find her!" So the ministers tried the slipper on the foot of all the girls... and on Cinderella's foot as well... Surprise! The slipper fitted perfectly.

"That awful untidy girl simply cannot have been at the ball," snapped the stepmother. "Tell the Prince he ought to marry one of my two daughters! Can't you see how ugly Cinderella is! Can't you see?"

Suddenly she broke off, for the fairy had appeared.

"That's enough!" she exclaimed, raising her magic wand. In a flash, Cinderella appeared in a splendid dress, shining with youth and beauty. Her stepmother and stepsisters gaped at her in amazement, and the ministers said,

"Come with us, fair maiden! The Prince awaits to present you with his engagement ring!" So Cinderella joyfully went with them, and lived happily ever after with her Prince. And as for the cat, he just said "Miaow"!

Why God Made Teachers

Why God Made Teachers
By Kevin William Huff

When God created teachers,
He gave us special friends
To help us understand His world
And truly comprehend
The beauty and the wonder
Of everything we see,
And become a better person
With each discovery.

When God created teachers,
He gave us special guides
To show us ways in which to grow
So we can all decide
How to live and how to do
What's right instead of wrong,
To lead us so that we can lead
And learn how to be strong.

Why God created teachers,
In His wisdom and His grace,
Was to help us learn to make our world
A better, wiser place.

Terjemahan "bebas" Puisi - Mengapa Tuhan Menciptakan Guru

Saat Tuhan menciptakan "Guru"
Dia memberi kita sahabat khusus
Untuk membantu kita memahami dunia-Nya
dan untuk benar-benar memahami keindahan
dan keelokan semua yang kita lihat
dan untuk membuat kita menjadi orang yang lebih baik

Saat Tuhan menciptakan "Guru"
Dia memberi kita petunjuk khusus
Untuk menunjukkan kita cara menjadi dewasa
Sehingga kita semua bisa memutuskan
Cara hidup dan bekerja
Menunjukkan apa yang benar dan yang salah
Membawa kita menjadi pemimpin
dan mempelajari bagaimana menjadi kuat

Mengapa Tuhan menciptakan guru
dengan Kasih dan Sayang-Nya
adalah "agar membantu kita mempelajari
bagaimana membuat dunia kita menjadi lebih baik
Tempat yang lebih bijaksana...

Sumber ENGLISHINDO.COM Referensi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online:

To my teacher…

Oh my teacher…
let me praise you,
for you sprouted me out,
from a darkened life.

Oh my teacher…
show me –
your magical spirit..
by which you made-
the darkness to light.

oh my teacher…
let me thank you…
for which you, quenched my thirst-
for knowledge.

My teacher…,
thank you…
for you took out-
words from my throat-
and you showed me to-
make finest garland,
by those words…

My teacher…
you showed me,
the stars….
pointing up the sky..,
saying ‘its stars…-
..shining stars…
..glittering…, twinkling…’
My teacher…
it’s because of you,
i loved butterflies…,
and green grasshoppers..!
and it’s because of you..
that i have,
dreams; unending.

My teacher..
i am always
indebted….for your deeds..
for the lifeline..
which you –
in my forehead!

My teacher….,
ne’er let your lamp-
to be gone into darkness.

My teacher…
this is for you…
dedicated with..,
sincere respect.

Thanks to You

Thank you, my teachers
For your time used to educate me
You are the second parents to me
Which always I meet every day except Sundays

Thank you, my teachers
You have become my motivator
Thank you, my teachers
You have become my motivation to wake up in the morning

Thank you, my teachers
Homework that you gave to me
Taught me to appreciate the time
In order to not forget my responsibilities

Thank you, my teachers
I will never forget your services
I will never ignore your advices
So that I could reach my big dreams

Terimakasih Untukmu

Terima kasih guru-guruku
Atas waktumu mendidik diriku.
Engkau adalah orang tua kedua bagiku
yang selalu akau temui kecuali hari minggu

Terima kasih guru-guruku
kau telah menjadi motivator hidupku
terima kasih guruku
kau telah menjadi motivasi bangun pagiku.

Terima kasih guru-guruku
Pekerjaan rumah yang kau berikan kepadaku
mengajarkanku menghargai waktu
agar tak lupa tanggung jawabku

Terima kasih guru-guruku
tak akan pernah kulupa jasa-jasamu
tak akan pernah ku abaikan nasehat-nasehatmu
Agar aku bisa mencapai cita-cita besarku

Rabu, 11 November 2015

Mouse Deer and Crocodile

Mouse Deer and Crocodile

One day, Mouse Deer went down to the river to take a drink. But he knew that the crocodile might be waiting underwater to eat him, so he said out loud. “I wonder if the water’s warm. I’ll put in my leg and find out.” Of course Mouse Deer didn’t put in his leg. He picked up a stick instead and put one end into the water. Chomp…! Crocodile grabbed the stick and pulled it underwater. Mouse Deer laughed. “Ha… ha…ha… Stupid crocodile! Cant you tell the difference between a stick and a leg?” Then Mouse Deer ran off to drink somewhere else.

In the next day, Mouse Deer wanted to cross the river. He wanted to eat the fruits on the other side of the river. He saw a floating log in the river. He knew that Crocodile looked like a log when he floated. Mouse Deer didn’t want to be eaten by Crocodile when he crosses the river. He had an idea. He called out loud, “Crocodile!” Crocodile rose from the water, “Hello, Mouse Deer. Have you come to be my lunch?” Mouse Deer smiled. “Sorry, not today, Crocodile. I have orders from the King. He wants to invite all the crocodiles in this river to a party. He wants me to count all the crocodiles so he could prepare enough meal for you.”

“Really…? Tell us what to do,” said Crocodile. “You must line up from this side of the river to the other side,” said Mouse Deer. Crocodile then got all his friends and family. They lined up across the river. Mouse Deer then jumped onto Crocodile’s back. “One,” he counted. He jumped onto the next crocodile, “Two.” And the next crocodile, “Three.” Mouse Deer kept jumping until he arrived on the other side of the river. “How many are there?” asked Crocodile. “Just enough,” said Mouse Deer. He laughed as he ran to the forest.***

Terjemahannya :

Suatu hari, Kancil pergi ke sungai untuk minum. Tapi ia tahu bahwa buaya mungkin menunggu didalam air untuk memakannya, jadi dia berteriak keras-keras. “Aku ingin tahu apakah air hangat. Aku akan memasukkan kaki saya ke dalam air dan mencari tahu. “Tentu saja Kancil memasukkan kakinya. Dia mengambil tongkat dan memasukkan satu ujung ke dalam air. Chomp …! Buaya menyambar tongkat dan menariknya ke bawah air. Kancil tertawa. “Ha … ha … ha … buaya bodoh! Tidak bisakah membedakan antara tongkat dan kaki? “Lalu Kancil lari untuk minum di tempat lain.

Pada hari berikutnya, Kancil ingin menyeberang sungai. Dia ingin makan buah-buahan di sisi lain sungai. Dia melihat batang kayu mengambang di sungai. Dia tahu bahwa Buaya tampak seperti kayu mengambang ketika ia mengambang. Kancil tidak mau dimakan oleh buaya ketika ia melintasi sungai. Dia punya ide. Ia berseru keras, “Buaya!” Buaya terangkat dari air, “Halo, Kancil. Apakah kamu datang untuk menjadi makan siang saya? “Kancil tersenyum. “Maaf, tidak hari ini, Buaya. Saya mendapat perintah dari Raja. Dia ingin mengajak seluruh buaya di sungai ini ke pesta. Dia ingin aku menghitung semua buaya sehingga ia bisa mempersiapkan cukup makanan untuk kamu. ”

“Sunggu…? Beritahu kami apa yang harus dilakukan, “kata Buaya. “kamu harus berbaris dari sisi sungai ke sisi lain,” kata Kancil. Buaya kemudian memanggil semua teman-temannya dan keluarganya. Mereka berbaris di seberang sungai. Kancil lalu melompat ke punggung buaya. “Satu,” ia menghitung. Dia melompat ke buaya berikutnya, “Dua.” Dan buaya berikutnya, “Tiga.” Kancil terus melompat sampai ia tiba di sisi lain sungai. “Berapa banyak?” Tanya Buaya. “Cukup,” kata Kancil. Dia tertawa sambil berlari ke hutan. * demikian akhir cerita kancil dan buaya dalam bahasa inggris

Sumber :

contoh soal kelas 6

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c, or d!

1. Where does Nuri live?
a. on Jl. Bahagia
b. on Jl. Merdeka
c. on Jl. Sudirman
d. on Jl.Benteng
2. Where does her mother want to go?
a. Bank
b. Post office
c. Hospital
d. Supermarket
3. Where is the bank?
a. near the school 
b. across from police station
c. near the drugstore
d. beside post office
4. Where is the supermarket?
a. between bakery and cinema
b. near post office
c. between the drugstore and the bus station 
d. near the bakery and school
5. Where is the cinema?
a. beside the bakery
b. across from the bank
c. near school 
d. beside post office
6. Moslems pray in the...
a. mosque
b. church
c. temple
d. airport
7. The capital of East Java is ....
a. Bandung
b. Surabaya
c. Semarang
d. Medan
8. Traffic sign means...
a. persimpangan
b. rambu-rambu lalu lintas
c. pertigaan 
d. sudut
9. The doctor works in the ....
a. school
b. garden
c. market
d. hospital
10. Dani buys .... in the drugstore.
a. medicine
b. ball
c. cake
d. meatball
11. .... has a trunk.
a. elephant
b. monkey
c. lion
d. tiger
12. .... has two wings.
a. elephant
b. crocodile
c. cow
d. bird
13. We can see animals in the ....
a. botanical gardel
b. zoo
c. school
d. bank
14. Raisa : "Can you give me a pencil?" Nayla : "...., of course."
a. Yes
b. No
c. Please come
d. sit down
15. Pencil A : 20 cm Pencil B : 15 cm Pencil A is ... than pencil B.
a. long
b. shorter
c. longer
d. short
16. Train is ... than bus.
a. fast
b. slow
c. faster
d. slower
17. Santy : "Where do you live?" Sania : ".......................".
a. I'm fine thanks
b. sit down!
c. I live in Sukabumi 
d. Thank you very much
18. The opposite of south is ...
a. north
b. west
c. east
d. northwest
19. Julie always gets the first rank in her class. She is the ... student in the class.
a. clever
b. more clever
c. cleverest
d. cleverer
20. Windi reads book in the...
a. library
b. bank
c. bathroom
d. cupboard

Sumber :

Senin, 09 November 2015

contoh soal untuk kelas 2 SD

Text for number 1 to 5

My name is Tri. I am seven years old.
My father is Mr. Taadi, he is a mechanic
My mother is Mrs.Endang, she is an entrepreneur.
I have one sisters. She is Dewi.
I have one brother, he is Yusuf.
We are a happy family.
1. Who is Tri’s mother?
a.Mrs. Dewi
c.Mr. Taadi

2. What is Tri’s mother?

3. Who is Dewi? Dewi is Tri’s…

4. How many sisters does Tri have?
a. one
b. two
c. three

5. Is Mr.Taadi a mechanic?
a. Yes, she is
b. Yes, he is
c. No, he is not

6. We meet Mr.Sutrisno in the morning. We say …
a. Good afternoon
b. Good bye
c. Good morning

7. A :”……………………?”
B :”I’m fine, thank you.”
a. How old are you?
b. How are you?
c. Where do you live?

8. A :”Where do you live?”
B :”………………………….”
a. I live in Jalan Danau Towuti No.19
b. I’m fine, thank you
c. My name is Budi

9. I have two …. (telinga)
a. eyes
b. ears
c. nose

10. I have ten …. (jari kaki)
a. fingers
b. toes
c. cheeks

11. Eye is for …
a. seeing
b. hearing
c. walking

12. There are … days in a week.
a. five
b. six
c. seven

13. Before Thursday is …..
a. Wednesday
b. Thursday
c. Monday

14. We attend the flag ceremony on ….
a. Monday
b. Tuesday
c. Friday

15. The colors of our uniform of elementary are ….
a. White and Red
b. White and Blue
c. White and grey

16. The students in SDN 2 Surabaya are reading books in the ….
a. canteen
b. toilet
c. library

17. We are always study at………
a. School
b. Canteen
c. Park

18. Mrs. Ayu goes to school everyday to teach students. She is a ….
a. teacher
b. doctor
c. nurse

19. I eat pempek in the …
a. toilet
b. classroom
c. canteen

20. Which days after these: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ….
a. Friday
b. Wednesday
c. Thursday

Text for number 21 to 25

Going to the Zoo

This is holiday. Patrick and his family go to the zoo.
There are many kind of animals in the zoo. There are crocodile, elephants, mokeys, cats
deers, tigers, giraffe, horses, birds, lion and snake. In the zoo,
there are 3 elephants, eleven birds, two giraffes, two horses, 4 deers, 4 tigers and
nine gorillas. He is very glad to go to the zoo with
his family.

21. When does Patrick go to the zoo? On…..
a. holiday
b. Monday
c. now

22. With whom does Patrick go to the zoo?
a. his family
b. his teachers
c. her family

23. There are…..elephants in the zoo.

24. How many horses are in the zoo?
a. eight
b. two
c. ten

25. Patrick is very … to go to the zoo with her family.

26. …. likes to eat fish.

27. …. has two legs.

28. 6 + 5 = ….

29. 10 – 3= ….

30. 6 : 3 = ….
a. two
b. ten
c. eleven
Please match all the following question on the up  to choice on the down side!
31.  Monday                                  
32. What is your name?                  
33. Three birds                              
34. Canteen                                   
35. How old are you?                           
36. Where does she live?                   
37. Daughter                                         
38. Ears                                      
39. Eyes                            
40. Mother  

b.Anak Perempuan
e.Tiga Burung
h.Siapa nama kamu?
i.Dimana dia (perempuan) tinggal?
j.Berapa umurmu?

The Legend of Gunung Bromo

Hundreds of years ago, during the reign of the last king of Majapahit, Brawijaya, one of the King’s wives gave birth to a girl, who was named Roro Anteng. Later this young princess married Joko Seger, who came from a Brahman caste. Because of an unfortunate situation the couple was forced to leave the kingdom. They settled down in the mountain area. They ruled the area and named it “Tengger”, which was derived from the couples’ names: Roro Anteng and Joko Seger.

After several years the region flourished in prosperity, but Roro Anteng and Joko Seger were unhappy because they did not have a child. Frustrated, they climbed the top of the mountain and prayed night and day hoping that the gods would listen. The prayer was heard and Betoro Bromo promised them many children. However, the couple had to promise that they would sacrifice their youngest child in return.

Roro Anteng gave birth to a child, then another, and another. In the end Roro Anteng and Joko Seger got 25 children. Soon it was time for them to sacrifice the youngest child, Kesuma, but the parents just could not do it. They tried to hide the child, but an eruption happened and Kesuma fell into the crater. There was silence before they heard a voice: “I have to be sacrificed so that you will all stay alive. From now on, you should arrange an annual offering ceremony on the 14th of Kesodo (the twelfth month of Tenggerese calender.”It was Kesuma’s voice. Kesuma’s brothers and sisters held the offering ceremony every year. Instead of a human being, these people collected fruit, vegetables, rice and meat to be offered to the gods. And this has been done generation after generation until today.

The Origins of Surabaya

In ancient times, in vast sea there was a frequent fight between a Shark (sura) and a Crocodile (baya). They fought each other to fight for prey in the ocean. They almost had same strength and already fought so many times but no one ever wins or loses. Eventually they both made an agreement that must be followed. The agreement was a division of hunting area. They divided their hunting territory into two where Sura ruled in water and hunted aquatic animals while crocodile ruled on the land and hunted land animals. Their territory bounded by the shoreline in beach. This agreement should not be violated by anyone.

With this agreement, there was no longer fight between Sura and Baya. They both had reconciled and agreed to respect each territory. However, this peace did not last long. Until one day, Sura ran out of prey in the ocean. He began to prowl in rivers and lakes in land. Sura also caught land animals which were drinking at the river. He did this hunt secretly without being known by Baya.

One day Baya wondered why his prey turned less. Then he looked for the cause and he found Sura was hunting in his area. It made Baya became very angry. “Why are you hunting in my territory?” Baya asked in anger. Sura was shocked to hear Baya was angry with him, “I do not hunt in your area, I hunt in waters which are my territory” said Sura. “But you were hunting in river. The river is located on the mainland and you’re also eating land animals that are my prey. You have violated our agreement “said Baya. “It cannot be. all water is my territory, including rivers and lakes that exist in the land!” Sura added. They both argued each other. Because there is no one budged a great battle happened between them.

This fight is very powerful and terrible. Sura and Baya were crashing, pouncing and biting each other. None animals dared to approach or even stop their fight. This fight made all the water around them turned red because blood which was coming out of their injured. This fight lasted very long. They continued to fight to defend territory without taking a rest at all.

In this battle Sura bite Baya’s tail. Getting a bite from Sura, Baya replied to bite Sura’s tail. Two of them were biting the tail one another without taking it off. This incident lasted very long until Sura was not stand anymore because his tail nearly severed. Then Sura ran to the ocean. Baya satisfied that he had managed to maintain his area. Until this day they both continued hostile and Sura never returned to rivers and lakes anymore.

The fight between shark and crocodile named Sura and Baya was very remarkable and memorable for the local society. Therefore, the area was given the name of Surabaya. And this fight is made as a symbol of Surabaya which is the image of sharks and crocodiles bite their tail each other.


Pada zaman dahulu, di lautan yang luas sering terjadi perkelahian antara Ikan Hiu (sura) dengan Buaya (baya). Mereka berkelahi satu sama lain untuk memperebutkan mangsa di lautan. Mereka memiliki kekuatan yan hampir sama. Sudah berkali-¬kali mereka berkelahi namun belum pernah ada yang menang atau pun yang kalah. Akhirnya mereka berdua membuat suatu kesepakatan yang harus dijalani. kesepakatan itu adalah pembagian wilayah daerah perburuan. Mereka membagi wilayah berburu mereka menjadi dua yaitu Sura berkuasa di daerah peraiaran dan memangsa hewan air sedangkan buaya berkuasa di daratan dengan memangsa hewan hewan daratan. Wilayah kekuasaan mereka dibatasi oleh garis pantai. perjanjian ini tidak boleh dilanggar oleh siapapun.

Dengan adanya perjanjian ini, tidak ada lagi perkelahian antara Sura dan Baya. Mereka berdua telah berdamai dan sepakat untuk menghormati daerah kekuasaan masing ¬masing. Namun, kedamaian itu tidak berlangsung lama. Hingga pada suatu hari, Ikan Hiu, Sura kehabisan mangsa di daerah lautan. dia mulai mencari mangsa di daerah sungai dan danau yang ada di daratan. Sura juga memangsa hewan-hewan daratan yang sedang minum di sungai. dia melakukan perburuan ini secara sembunyi-sembunyi tanpa sepengetahuan baya.

Pada suatu hari Baya merasa heran mengapa hewan-hewan buruannya semakin sedikit. dia pun mencari tahu apa penyebabnya. kemudian Baya melihat Sura sedang berburu di daerah kekuasaanya. Perbuatan Sura ini Membuat baya menjadi sangat marah. “kenapa kau berburu di daerah kekuasaan ku?” tanya baya dengan penuh amarah. Sura pun kaget mendengar Baya marah kepadanya, “aku tidak berburu di daerah mu, aku berburu di perairan yang merupakan daerehku” jawab sura. “tetapi kau berburu di daerah sungai. Sungai itu berada di daratan dan kau juga memakan hewan-hewan daratan yang merupakan mangsaku. kau telah melanggar perjanjian kita” kata baya. “tidak bisa, semua perairan adalah wilayahku termasuk sungai dan danau yang ada di daratan!” tambah sura. Mereka berdua saling berargumen dan merasa benar. karena tidak ada yang mengalah akhirnya mereka berdua berkelahi. Terjadilah pertempuran yang hebat antara sura dan baya.

Pertarungan ini sangat dahsyat dan mengerikan. Sura dan Baya saling menerjang, menerkam dan saling menggigit. Tidak ada satupun binatang yang berani mendekat atau bahkan menghentikan perkelahian mereka. Perkelahian ini membuat semua air di sekitar mereka berubah warna menjadi merah akibat darah yang keluar dari luka luka mereka berdua. Pertarungan ini berlangsung dengan sangat lama. Mereka terus bertarung mati¬ –matian mempertahankan daerahnya tanpa pernah istirahat sama sekali.

Dalam pertarungan dahsyat ini, Sura menggigit pangkal ekor baya. mendapat gigitan dari sura, baya membalas gigitan Sura. dia juga menggigit ekor Sura. mereka berdua saling mengigit ekor masing masing dan tanpa melepasnya. Kejadian ini berlangsung sangat lama. hingga pada akhirnya Sura tidak tahan lagi karena ekornya hampir putus. Suar pun berlari kea rah lautan. Baya puas telah berhasil mempertahankan daerahnya. hingga saat ini mereka berdua terus bermusuhan dan Sura tidak pernah kembali ke sungai dan danau.

Pertarungan antara ikan Hiu yang bernama Sura dan Buaya yang bernama Baya ini sangat luar biasa dan berkesan bagi masyrakat setempat. Oleh karena itu, daerah tersebut diberi nama Surabaya. Dan dari peritiwa inilah kemudian dibuat lambang Kota Surabaya yaitu gambar ikan hiu dan buaya yang saling menggigit.

sumber :

Contoh pidato hari pahlawan

Assalamualaikum, wr. wb.

Before I start to give a discourse, I might want to welcome you to thank to Allah the Almighty, Who shows given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this gift place. Furthermore I keep in mind to convey sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, Who has conveyed us from the dimness to the brilliance, so we are dependably in the right way.

Ladies and Gentle men

Today, November the tenth, we recognize the national legend. Today, November the tenth, we recognize the day when our progenitors dedicated thought and push to keep up our nation freedom. Today, November the tenth, the legends who kicked the bucket in fight shed hard work to fly the red-white banner, the banner of Indonesia. Today, November the tenth, we recall the brave skirmish of Surabaya.

Numerous gallant stories were conceived on that day. It was the day when the first fight after the announcement of Indonesia freedom. It was the day where all subjects joined a battle to depend the city of Surabaya from the Dutch that needed to re-colonize Indonesia yet again. It was the day when Surabaya was encompassed by the Allies to stoop under the Dutch colonization again.

soal untuk kelas 6 SD

It is Sunday afternoon. The sky  is clean and the wind  is  blowing  hard. The boys go to field. The are playing the kites. They are enjoying play kites. The kites are flying on the sky. They using the long string.
1.What are the boys doing?……………………
2.When do the boys play kites? ……………
3.Are they using the short string to fly  kites? …………..
4.How are the boys when they playing kites? …………..
5.Where are they playing kites? …………..

1. He eats banana with his  ….    
a. mouth  
b. hair    
c. nose      
d. finger
2.Mr. Udin is my father’s brother. He is my …
a. sister   
b. uncle  
c. brother  
d. grandmother
3.Agus: What do you plant to spend your next holiday?
Budi:  I am going to ….
a. sleep
b. sit on the chair                
c. camping   
d. stand
4.Andri: How do we go to airport?
Roy  : We can go there……
5.Mr. Malik works at the rice field. He is a ….
a. farmer   
b. police  
c. driver
d. carpenter
6. Mariadi: I will go to river.
Rizka   : What will you do?
Mariadi: I will….
7. What are you doing at the class?
a. I am studying English   
b. She is studying English
c. you are studying English   
d. He is studying English
8.Danang: Where is your father?
Eka      :  He is in th bath room
Danang:  What is he doing?
Eka      :  ….
9.Andi: The wind blowing
din: Let’s …. The kiter to the sky.      
a. fly   
b. play      
c. blow        
d. run
10. Doni like to write a letter to his pen friends. His hobby is ….
a.collecting stamps           
b.watching TV           
c. singing a song
d. correspondence
11.The colour of our school uniform are ……
12. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is ….
a. Sunday  
b. Thursday      
c. Monday  
d. Friday
13. What is Yanti doing? She is ….a flower
14. I put my pen ….the table   
a. on     
d. behind
15     a stamp – today – buy – I – can –  not
a. I can not buy a stamp today   
b. Can not I buy a stamp today
c. Buy not I can a stamp today        
d. I can not buy stamp a today
16. Which one the name of lake?   
a. Kenjeran   
b. Watu Ulo
c. Sarangan
d. Pasir Putih

sumber :

Golden Snail

Long time ago there lived a king of Daha Kingdom named Kertamarta. He had two daughters named Dewi Galuh and Candra Kirana. Candra Kirana was a very beautiful and kind girl but his sister was an evil. One day, Candra Kirana was engaged to a prince of Kahuripan Kingdom named Raden Inu Kertapati who was handsome and wise.

This engagement made Dewi Galuh envied to his sister. Then she went to a witch to harm Candra Kirana. The witch agreed to do what Dewi Galuh asked. When Candra Kirana was walking around the palace garden, the witch came and cursed her. She transformed her into a golden snail. After that, Dewi Galuh threw her which has become a snail in the river.

One day, an old woman was looking for fish in the river using nets. When she was about to lift the net, she saw a golden snail transported. Then she brought the golden snail went home and put it in a jar. The next day, she returned to the river to look for fishes but unfortunately she did not get any fish. She was disappointed and returned to her house. However when she arrived, she was very surprised to see a lot of delicious dishes had been presented at the top of the table.

This incident occurred over and over in the next days. The old woman was curious. She finally decided to find out who did it to her by pretending to go to the river. She hid behind her house and peeked at what’s going on inside. Then she saw the snails turned into a beautiful woman and cooked meals for her. Soon the old woman came into her house, “Who are you?” Asked the old woman “I was a princess of Daha were cursed by a witch into a golden snail” said her. After telling what had happened to her, she was invited Chandra Kirana to stay with her.

The news of Candra Kirana’s loss made prince Inu Kertapati confused and sad. He searched for her all over the kingdom by disguising as a villager. The witch knew what was done by him. She was disguised as a raven to disrupt the prince’s effort to meet Candra Kirana. On his own way Prince Inu Kertapati was helped by an old man who was great. He hit the bird with his stick until it died. Prince Inu thanked to him. He also told the intent and purpose of his journey. After knowing what had happened, the old man told Prince Inu to search her in Dadapan village. Afterwards the prince traveled to the Dadapan Village right away.

After walking for days, the prince arrived in the Dadapan Village. He was very thirsty at that time. Then he saw a small hut and approached it. Suddenly he was shocked because he saw his fiancée was cooking through the window. He immediately entered the hut to see her. Finally they were both very happy because they met and the magic was lost. Then the princess told what had happened to her and she also introduced the old woman who had helped her to the prince. The prince was very grateful to the old woman. Then he brought Candra Kirana and the old woman to the palace. After arriving at the palace, the king was happy because her daughter had returned. He also knew what had happened to his daughter. Knowing his sister had been found, Candra Galuh run away from the palace because she was afraid of being punished by his father. Finally Candra Kirana and Raden Inu Kertapati were married and they lived happily ever after.


Pada zaman dahulu hiduplah seorang Raja yang bernama Kertamarta dari Kerajaan Daha. Sang raja memiliki 2 orang putri yang bernama Dewi Galuh dan Candra Kirana. Candra Kirana adalah gadis yang sangat cantik dan baik tetapi saudaranya yang adalah seorang gadis yang jahat. Pada suatu hari Candra Kirana bertunangan dengan seorang pangeran dari Kerajaan Kahuriapan yang bernama Raden Inu Kertapati yang tampan dan bijaksana.

Pertunangan ini membuat Dewi Galuh iri kepada Candra Kirana, kemudian dia menemui seorang nenek sihir untuk mencelakai saudaranya itu. Sang penyihir itupun setuju untuk memenuhi permintaannya. Ketika Candra Kirana sedang berjalan di sekitar taman istana, Nenek sihir itu datang dan mengutuknya. Dia merubah Candra Kirana menjadi seekor keong mas. Lalu Dewi Galuh membuang Candra Kirana yang telah menjadi seekor keong mas di sungai.

Pada suatu hari seorang nenek sedang mencari ikan di sungai dengan menggunakan jala. Ketika dia hendak mengangkat Jalanya, dia melihat seekor keong emas terangkut. Lalu dia membawa Keong Emas itu pulang ke rumahnya dan menaruhnya di dalam sebuah tempayan.  Keesokan harinya, wanita itu kembali ke sungai untuk mencari ikan tetapi dia tak mendapatkan ikan seekorpun. Dia sangat kecewa lalu dia kembali pulang kerumahnya. Namun ketika dia sampai, ia sangat terkejut melihat banyak masakan yang enak sudah tersaji di atas meja.

Kejadian tersebut kembali terjadi pada hari-hari berikutnya. Nenek tersebut bingung. akhirnya dia memutuskan untuk mencari tahu siapa yang melakukan dengan berbohong  pergi ke sungai. Dia bersembunyi di belakang rumanhya dan mengintip apa yang sedang terjadi di dalam. Dia melihat keong mas yang dia pelihara berubah menjadi seorang wanita cantik dan memasak makanan untuknya. Kemudian nenek itu masuk ke dalam rumah, ” Siapa dirimu ?” tanya nenek itu “aku adalah putri kerajaan Daha yang disihir menjadi keong emas oleh penyihir saudaraku” kata keong emas. Setelah menceritakan kejadian yang dialaminya, nenek itu mempersilahkan Candar Kirana untuk tinggal bersamanya.

Kabar tentang hilangnya  Candra kirana membuat pangeran Inu Kertapati bingung. Dia mencarinya ke seluruh penjuru kerajaan dengan cara menyamar sebagai rakyat biasa. Nenek sihir mengetahui apa yang dilakukan oleh Pangeran Inu Kertapati. Dia menyamar sebagai seekor burung gagak untuk mengangu usaha sang pangeran untuk menemui sang putri. Di perjalanan Pangeran Inu di bantu oleh seorang lelaki tua yang sakti. Dia memukul burung itu dengan tongkatnya hingga burung itu mati. Pangeran Inu sangat berterima kasih kepada lelaki itu dan dia juga menceritakan maksud dan tujuan perjalanannya. Setelah mengetahui apa yang terjadi, lelaki tua itu menyuruh Pangeran Inu untuk mencari di desa dadapan. Pangeran itu kemudian melanjutkan perjalanan ke desa dadapan.

Setelah berjalan berhari-hari, sang pangeran tiba di desa Dadapan. Dia merasa sangat haus. Lalu dia melihat sebuah gubuk kecil dan menghampirinya. Tapi kemudian dia terkejut, karena dari balik jendela ia melihat tunangannya sedang memasak. Segera ia memasuki gubuk itu untuk menemuinya. Akhirnya mereka berdua sangat bahagia karena telah bertemu dan sihir itu pun hilang. Kemudian sang putri menceritakan kejadian yang dialaminya dan juga memeperkenalkan Nenek yang telah menolongnya kepada sang pangeran. Sang pangeran sangat berterima kasih kepada nenek itu dan membawa nya bersama Candra Kirana ke istana. Sesampainya di Istana, Sang raja merasa gembira karena putrinya telah kembali. Dia juga mengetahui apa yang terjadi kepada anaknya itu. mengetahui hal tersebut, Candra Galuh melarikan diri dari istana karena takut dihukum oleh ayahnya itu. Akhirnya pernikahan Candra kirana dan Raden Inu Kertapatipun berlangsung dan mereka hidup bahagia selamanya.

sumber :

Roro Jonggrang

In ancient times, there lived a prince of Pengging Kingdom named Raden Bandung Bondowoso. Raden Bandung Bondowoso was a famous prince known by his power that was very great. Pengging kingdom was close to Keraton Boko. Keraton Boko was a kingdom led by a king named King Prabu Boko and assisted by ministers named Patih Gupalo. Prabu Boko and Patih gupalo was a cruel giant and liked to eat humans. That’s why Kearaton Boko was very dangerous and no one wanted to come there. Although Prabu Boko was a cruel and dangerous, he had a very beautiful daughter named Roro jonggrang.

One day, King Boko wanted to expand his territory by attacking his neighbors, namely the Pengging Kingdom. Prabu Boko gathered all his valiant army to conquer the Pengging Kingdom and went to Pengging Kingdom. Finally the fierce war happened, many people dead both from Pengging Kingdom and Keraton Boko. Looking at that situation, the king of Pengging Kingdoom named King Damar Moyo ordered his son Raden Bandung Bondowoso to plunge into the battle. Raden Bandung Bondowoso went to fight against Prabu Boko. The great fighting was happened between two human beings who were strong. They both were attacking each other until King Boko killed by Raden Bandung Bondowoso.

Seeing Prabu Boko had been killed, Patih Gupala ordered his troops to retreat. Raden Bandung Bondowoso did not let them escape. He and all his people pursued Patih Gupala and his remaining troops to Boko palace. Then Pengging kingdom attacked the Keraton Boko back. Finally Raden Bandung Bondowoso conquered Keraton Boko.

After conquering Keraton Boko, Bondowoso lived in the palace of Prambanan. He ruled that crown. He also fell in love with Roro Jonggrang and asked her to be his queen. Roro Jonggrang didn’t want to accept that request because she did not want to be a wife of a man who had killed his father. So that she looked for a way to refuse Raden Bandung Bondowoso’s proposal.

Roro Jonggrang asked a requirement to Raden Bandung Bondowoso to make a well and a thousand temples in just one night as the marriage requirement. The request sounds impossible for ordinary people but Raden Bandung Bondowoso agreed Roro Jonggrang’s request. By his power he collected all genies to help him make a thousand temples in one night. Seeing the magic of Raden Bandung Bondowoso, Roro Jonggrang worried Raden Bandung Bondowoso would finish it.

Roro Jonggrang asked her maids to pound rice and burned straw in the east as a sign that the morning had come. The genies that help Raden Bandung Bondowoso was scared. They run away because they thought it was morning. Finally Raden Bandung Bondowoso failed to complete Roro Jonggrang’s requirement. He was only able to complete 999 temples. Knowing his efforts had been failed by Rorojonggrang, he became angry and turned Rorojonggrang into a statue to complete the 1000 temples.


Pada zaman dahulu, hiduplah seorang pangeran dari kerajaan Pengging bernama Raden Bandung Bondowoso. Raden Bandung Bondowoso adalah seorang pangeran yang dikenal dengan kekuatanya yang sangat besar. kerajaan Pengging berdekatan dengan Keraton Boko. Keraton Boko adalah sebuah kerajaan yang dipimpin oleh seorang raja bernama Raja Prabu Boko dan dibantu oleh menteri bernama Patih Gupalo. Prabu Boko dan Patih Gupalo adalah seorang raksasa yang kejam dan suka makan manusia. Itu sebabnya Kearaton Boko sangat berbahaya. Meskipun Prabu Boko kejam dan berbahaya, ia memiliki seorang putri yang sangat cantik bernama Roro Jonggrang.

Suatu hari, Raja Boko ingin memperluas wilayahnya dengan menyerang tetangganya, yaitu Kerajaan Pengging. Prabu Boko mengumpulkan semua pasukannya yang gagah berani untuk menaklukkan Kerajaan Pengging dan pergi ke sana. Akhirnya pertempuran sengit terjadi, banyak orang tewas baik dari Kerajaan Pengging maupun Keraton Boko. Melihat situasi itu, raja Pengging yang bernama Raja Damar Moyo memerintahkan putranya Raden Bandung Bondowoso untuk terjun ke pertempuran. Raden Bandung Bondowoso pergi untuk melawan Prabu Boko. Pertempuran besar pun terjadi antara dua manusia yang kuat itu. Mereka berdua saling serang sampai Raja Boko terbunuh oleh Raden Bandung Bondowoso.

Melihat Prabu Boko telah tewas, Patih Gupala memerintahkan pasukannya untuk mundur. Raden Bandung Bondowoso tidak membiarkan mereka melarikan diri. Dia dan seluruh rakyatnya mengejar Patih Gupala dan pasukannya yang tersisa. Kemudian kerajaan Pengging menyerang balik Keraton Boko. Akhirnya Raden Bandung Bondowoso pun menaklukkan Keraton Boko.

Setelah menaklukkan Keraton Boko, Bondowoso tinggal di istana Prambanan. Ia memerintah kerajaan itu. Ia juga jatuh cinta dengan Roro Jonggrang dan memintanya untuk menjadi ratunya. Roro Jonggrang tidak mau menerima permintaan itu karena dia tidak ingin menjadi istri seorang pria yang telah membunuh ayahnya. Sehingga dia mencari cara untuk menolak usulan Raden Bandung Bondowoso itu.

Roro Jonggrang meminta persyaratan untuk Raden Bandung Bondowoso agar dibuatkan sumur dan seribu candi dalam satu malam sebagai syarat pernikahan. Permintaan itu terdengar mustahil bagi orang biasa tapi Raden Bandung Bondowoso menyetujui permintaan Roro Jonggrang itu. Dengan kekuasaannya ia mengumpulkan semua jin untuk membantunya membuat seribu candi dalam satu malam. Melihat keajaiban Raden Bandung Bondowoso, Roro Jonggrang khawatir Raden Bandung Bondowoso akan menyelesaikannya.

Roro Jonggrang meminta pelayan nya menumbuk padi dan membakar jerami di timur sebagai tanda bahwa pagi telah tiba. Para jin yang membantu Raden Bandung Bondowoso takut. Mereka melarikan diri karena mereka pikir itu pagi. Akhirnya Raden Bandung Bondowoso gagal menyelesaikan persyaratan Roro Jonggrang itu. Dia hanya mampu menyelesaikan 999 candi. Mengetahui usahanya telah gagal oleh Rorojonggrang, ia menjadi marah dan merubah Rorojonggrang menjadi patung untuk menyelesaikan 1000 candi itu.

sumber :

A Poem for Beloved Teachers

Morning breeze hit your face
The coldness of morning air envelop your steps
Struggling just for a success
Thinking only for a glory

There is no poem which as beautiful as your word
There is no song which as beautiful as your smile
There is no a day without your devotion
There is no love without your willingness

Day continues to change
But, no boredom looks in your face
No fatigue painted on your forehead
To educate people endlessly

If you have tired of stepping
I will continue your struggle
If you are not able to walk anymore, you will still be useful
Because, you are the trully unsung heroes.

Puisi untuk Guru Tercinta

Hembusan angin pagi menerpa wajahmu
Dinginnya udara pagi menyelimuti langkahmu
Berjuang hanya untuk sebuah keberhasilan
Berfikir hanya untuk sebuah kejayaan

Tiada puisi yang seindah perkataan mu
Tiada lagu seindah senyuman mu
Tiada hari tanpa bakti mu
Tiada kasih tanpa kerelan mu

Hari demi hari terus berganti
namun, tiada rasa jenuh yang terlihat di wajah mu
tiada rasa lelah yang terlukis di kening mu
Untuk mendidik manusia tanpa henti

Jika engkau telah lelah melangkah
aku akan meneruskan perjuanganmu
Jika engkau tak sanggup untuk melangkah lagi, Kau akan tetap berguna
Karena kau adalah pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa.

sumber :

Thanks to You

Thank you, my teachers
For your time used to educate me
You are the second parents to me
Which always I meet every day except Sundays

Thank you, my teachers
You have become my motivator
Thank you, my teachers
You have become my motivation to wake up in the morning

Thank you, my teachers
Homework that you gave to me
Taught me to appreciate the time
In order to not forget my responsibilities

Thank you, my teachers
I will never forget your services
I will never ignore your advices
So that I could reach my big dreams

Terimakasih Untukmu

Terima kasih guru-guruku
Atas waktumu mendidik diriku.
Engkau adalah orang tua kedua bagiku
yang selalu akau temui kecuali hari minggu

Terima kasih guru-guruku
kau telah menjadi motivator hidupku
terima kasih guruku
kau telah menjadi motivasi bangun pagiku.

Terima kasih guru-guruku
Pekerjaan rumah yang kau berikan kepadaku
mengajarkanku menghargai waktu
agar tak lupa tanggung jawabku

Terima kasih guru-guruku
tak akan pernah kulupa jasa-jasamu
tak akan pernah ku abaikan nasehat-nasehatmu
Agar aku bisa mencapai cita-cita besarku

sumber :

Minggu, 08 November 2015

Onion and Garlic (Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih)

In the ancient time, lived a little family. The family consists of father, mother, and a beautiful girl named Garlic. They are a harmonious and happy family despite his father worked as an ordinary merchant. One day, the happiness in this family was lost because the mother died. Garlic was very sad because she was very fond of her mother. Her father was also so sad because he loved his wife so much.

After Garlic’s mother died, her house was visited frequently by a widow who had a daughter named Onion. The widow often came with Onion to the Garlic’s home by bringing food, helping to clean the house, and chatting with Garlic’s father. Finally, the father thinks that he should marry the widow and made the widow as a new mother for Garlic.

He asked for consideration of the proposal to Garlic. After being allowed to get married by Garlic, then her father immediately carried out the marriage. They become a new family and lived in a house. At first, the mother and Onions behaved Garlic very well. However, the good behavior did not to be last long. Soon, the Onion and her mother began to show their bad attitude. Garlic was often scolded and given heavy works when the father went to trade. She had to do a lot of housework while the Onions just sit and did not work at all. However, the situation was never told by her to his father, so the Garlic continued to be treated badly by Onions and her mother.

One day, his father was sick and passed away. Since then, Garlic was treated worse than before. Garlic almost never had a break every day. In the morning, she had to get up in order to prepare breakfast and the water for Onion and her mother. Later, she also gave eating to the livestock, washing clothes, and even watering the entire garden. Although she should do so many works, she always did it happily. She hoped, with such sincerity, her mother would love her sincerely someday.

On the morning, Garlic went to the river to wash the clothes. She was so excited and washed vigorously. Because of getting too excited, she was not aware that there was a shirt that washed away. She realized that the shirt had been washed away when the flow carried it far enough. Later, she pursued but did not get the shirt. She felt hopeless and immediately went home.

The shirt was her mother's favorite. Of course, the mother was angry and told her to look for the shirt until she could found it. Garlic came back to the river and walked to the west to seek her mother's favorite shirt. She walked along the river up to tens of kilometers. After that, Garlic suddenly saw someone who was bathing the buffalo in the river. She asked the man about the clothes were washed away. Later, she was informed that the shirt drifting and it was not far from where she was standing. At that moment, Garlic immediately ran down the river to find the shirt.

It was getting dark and the Garlic found a home. Because of completely exhausted, she decided to take a break in the house. Apparently, it housed an old lady who had previously found the shirt. The old lady wanted to return the shirt to her, but she should accompany the old lady during a week. She agreed to stay with the lady for a week. Within a week, she made the old lady to be so happy because she was diligent and never complained even though felt so tired.

After accompanying for a week, she was given a pumpkin as the gift. When opening it, she was very surprised because there were so much gold and gems. She immediately went home and told the happening to her mother and also Onion. However, the gold and jewels that she got immediately seized and she was forced to tell where the jewelry could be obtained. Garlic immediately said that she got it from an old lady who lived near the river.

In the next day, Onion came to that house and stayed for a week like what Garlic did. However, because Onion was a lazy girl, the old lady gave a different pumpkin from Garlic. Onion did not care and Onion immediately went home to open the pumpkin with her mother. Apparently, the content was not gems or gold, but the venomous snake that bit of Onion and the mother. Both of them died because of their greed.

After the happening, Garlic was living alone, but she was more calm and lived happily with its gold and gems.

Terjemahan :
Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih
Pada zaman dahulu, ada sebuah keluarga kecil yang hidup bahagia. Keluarga tersebut terdiri dari ayah, ibu, dan seorang gadis cantik bernama bawang putih. Mereka adalah keluarga yang harmonis dan bahagia meskipun sang ayah hanya bekerja sebagai seorang pedagang biasa. Suatu hari, kebahagiaan yang ada di dalam keluarga tersebut hilang karena sang ibu meninggal. Bawang putih sangat sedih karena ia sangat menyayangi ibunya, begitu juga sang ayah yang sangat sedih karena sang istri telah meninggal.

Setelah ibu bawang putih meninggal, rumahnya sering dikunjungi oleh seorang janda yang mempunyai anak bernama bawang merah. Ibu bawang merah sering datang ke rumah bawang putih dan membawakan makanan, membantu membersihkan rumah, dan mengobrol dengan ayah bawang putih. Akhirnya, ayah bawang putih berpikir bahwa sebaiknya ia menikah dengan janda tersebut dan menjadikannya sebagai ibu baru untuk bawang putih.

Ia meminta usul dan pertimbangan dari bawang putih. Setelah diizinkan untuk menikah oleh bawang putih, maka sang ayah segera melaksanakan pernikahan dengan ibu bawang merah. Mereka menjadi sebuah keluarga baru dan tinggal di rumah tersebut. Pada awalnya, ibu bawang merah dan bawang merah sangat baik terhadap bawang putih. Namun, perilaku baik tersebut tidak bertahan lama. Lama-kelamaan bawang merah dan ibunya mulai menunjukkan sikap buruk mereka. bawang putih sering dimarah dan diberikan pekerjaan berat ketika sang ayah pergi berdagang. Ia harus mengerjakan banyak pekerjaan rumah sementara bawang merah hanya duduk dan tidak bekerja sama sekali. Namun, keadaan tersebut tidak pernah diceritakan olehnya kepada sang ayah, sehingga bawang putih terus diperlakukan secara buruk oleh bawang merah dan ibunya.

Pada suatu hari sang ayah sakit dan meninggal dunia. Sejak saat itu, bawang merah dan ibunya  memperlakukan bawang putih semakin buruk. Bawang putih hampir tidak pernah istirahat setiap hari. di pagi hari, ia harus bangun untuk mempersiapkan air dan sarapan bagi bawang merah dan ibunya. Kemudian, ia juga harus member makan ternak, mencuci baju, dan bahkan menyirami seluruh kebun. Meskipun pekerjaan yang harus ia kerjakan begitu banyak, namun bawan putih melakukan semua itu dengan gembira. Ia berharap, dengan keikhlasan tersebut, sang ibu mau menyayanginya dengan tulus dan menganggapnya sebagai anak kandung.

Pada suatu pagi, bawang putih pergi ke sungai untuk mencuci baju. Dia begitu gembira dan mencuci dengan penuh semangat. Karena terlalu semangat, ia tidak sadar bahwa ada sebuah baju yang hanyut. Ia menyadari bahwa baju tersebut hanyut ketika telah terbawa aliran yang cukup jauh. Kemudian, ia mengejarnya dan tidak mendapatkan baju tersebut. Ia merasa putus asa dan segera pulang ke rumah.

Baju tersebut merupakan baju kesayangan ibu bawang merah. Tentu saja, sang ibu marah dan menyuruhnya untuk mencari baju tersebut hingga ditemukan. Bawang putih kembali lagi ke sungai dan berjalan ke arah barat untuk mencari baju kesayangan ibunya. Ia berjalan menyusuri aliran sungai hingga puluhan kilometer. Setelah itu, bawang putih tiba-tiba melihat seseorang yang sedang memandikan kerbau di sungai. Ia bertanya kepada orang itu mengenai baju yang hanyut. Kemudian, ia mendapat informasi bahwa baju ibu bawang merah hanyut namun baju tersebut tidaklah jauh dari tempatnya berdiri. Saat itu juga, bawang putih segera berlari menyusuri sungai untuk menemukan baju tersebut.

Hari semakin gelap dan bawang putih menemukan sebuah rumah. Karena sangat lelah, ia memutuskan untuk beristirahat sejenak di rumah tersebut. Ternyata, di dalamnya tinggal seorang nenek yang sebelumnya sudah menemukan baju milik ibu bawang putih. Sang nenek ingin mengembalikan baju tersebut kepada bawang putih, dengan syarat bawang putih harus menemaninya selama seminggu. Bawang putih begitu iba dengan nenek tersebut, dan ia setuju untuk tinggal bersama sang nenek selama seminggu. Dalam waktu satu minggu, ia membuat nenek tersebut amat gembira karena bekerja dengan rajin dan tidak pernah mengeluh.

Setelah bawang putih menemani sang nenek selama seminggu, ia diberikan satu buah labu sebagai hadiah. Ketika membuka labu tersebut, ia sangat terkejut karena didalamnya terdapat emas dan permata yang begitu banyak. Ia segera pulang dan memberitahukan kejadian tersebut kepada sang ibu dan juga bawang merah. Namun, emas dan permata yang ia dapatkan segera direbut dan ia dipaksa untuk memberitahukan dimana perhiasan tersebut dapat diperoleh. Bawang putih segera mengatakan bahwa ia mendapatkannya dari seorang nenek yang tinggal di dekat sungai.

Esok hari, bawang merah datang ke rumah nenek tersebut dan tinggal selama satu minggu. Namun, karena bawang merah adalah gadis yang malas, maka sang nenek memberikannya labu yang berbeda dari bawang putih. Bawang merah tidak peduli dan ia segera pulang dan membuka labu tersebut bersama ibunya. Ternyata, isi labu tersebut bukanlah permata atau emas, namun ular berbisa yang menggigit bawang merah dan ibunya. Kedua orang tersebut meninggal karena keserakahannya.

Bawang putih kini hidup sendiri namun ia lebih tenang karena tidak ada lagi orang yang menganggunya. Ia hidup bahagia dengan emas dan permata yang dimilikinya.

Sumber Artikel Dari:

The Legend Of Rawa Pening

Once upon a time in old Java there was a village.  Pening was its name.  Pening was a prosperous village.  The land was fertile and the weather was always good all year round.  It was on the slope of Mount Merbabu so the climate was cool.  People made their living by cultivating rice, vegetables and fruits.  The harvest was always satisfying.  So all of them lived a happy life.  That’s why once a year they held a ceremony called ‘Bersih desa’.  It was a kind of thanks giving day.  It was a day when they express their thankfulness to God for a successful harvest.  They would clean their village and then they would pray together.  At night they would have a dinner together and held teater performances.
One day after a succesful harvest they would celebrate it.  That time they wanted something special.  They wanted more meat for dinner.  So they went hunting in a wood.  Just outside of the village there was a wood where there were many animals like deer, buffalo, mouse deer, lamb and many other.  But that day there was no animal at all.  Animals were nowhere to be seen.  They had searched every inch of the wood but still their effort were in vain.  When it was almost dark, they were very tired so they took a rest.  They sat on something that look like a rock and a big root.  Everybody was silent because they were exhausted and disappointed.
Then suddenly someone chopped the big root with his sword to relief his disappointment.  Amazingly there was blood coming out of the root.  They were surprised.  Someone tried to chop it deeper.  He found meat !  So they chopped more and more.  After their bags were full of meat they were satisfied.  Then they went home happily.
That night the people of Pening were preparing a big dinner.  They wanted a special dinner with the meat they got from the wood.  Just as they were preparing dinner, a boy came to the village.  He looked poor.  He begged food to some people.  But they refused.  Someone said :
‘We are preparing dinner.  You may come to our dinner tonight.  But not now’.
‘But I am very hungry, please’.
‘Just come here tonight’.
But then there was an old widow who took care of him.  She was just a poor widow.  She gave him food and shelter.
‘You may take a rest here.  Join us tonight for dinner’.
‘Thank you very much.  You are very kind to me.  You are the only one who helped me.  That’s why I will save you.  Tonight there will be a great event here’.
‘Yes, there will be a great party’.
‘No, I mean something special’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I cannot say now.  But listen to me.  Prepare a boat for you’
‘Why? What will happen?’
‘Just do as I say’
‘Please tell me what will happen?’
‘OK, you are very kind to me so I will tell you but please promise me you won’t tell anyone’.
‘OK, I promise’
‘I am Naga Baru Klinting.  I am a dragon. I was meditating in the slope of Mount Merbabu when your people hurt me.  They hurt me by chopping my body.  Now they are preparing dinner with meat from my body.  So I will take my revenge tonight,  but I will save you.  Prepare a boat for you’.
‘Oh, please don’t do that.  Forgive my people’
‘Whatever will be , will be.  Good bye’.
Then the boy left.  Just before the dinner began at the village hall some boys were playing in the yard.  Suddenly a boy came to them.
‘Hi guys a have a game for you’
Then he held a small bamboo and attached it to the ground.
‘If you can pull it, I will give you a special present’
‘Oh, that’s very easy’, a boy said.
He tried to pull it but it was very strong so he could not pull it.  Another boy tried but he also failed.  Everybody failed.  Then this game drew adult’s attention.  One by one they tried to pull but all of them could not make it.  When many people gathered then the boy said.
‘O people of Pening.  I am Naga Baru Klinting.  I am a dragon.  I was meditating in the slope of mount Merbabu when you chopped me.  Now I will take my revenge.  Enjoy your party’.
Then he pulled the bamboo.  Amazingly, water poured from the ground.  The water immediately flooded the village.  Finally the whole village sank under water.  They were all drowned and died in the lake.  There was only one survivor.  The poor old widow.  She had prepared a simple boat so she could survive.  Since then on the lake is called Rawa Pening.  Rawa means lake in Javanese and Indonesian language.  Today the lake is located in the province of central Java, Indonesia.

Kamis, 05 November 2015


Mengubah sikap atau karakter seseorang ternyata tak semudah yang kita bayangkan,
kadang teguran yang kita berikan tdk mereka hiraukan,
kadang nasehat baik yang kita bagikan tak mereka dengar,
Kadang perhatian dan kasih sayang yang kita berikan mereka acuhkan
Jika semua sudah kita upayakan,
Maka biarlah Allah membuka pintu hati mereka
Karena Allah maha mempermudahkan segalanya


Rabu, 04 November 2015

Cerita Rakyat Dalam Bahasa Inggris Danau Toba dan artinya

Cerita Rakyat Dalam Bahasa Inggris Danau Toba

In ancient times in a village in North Sumatra, there lived a farmer named Toba alone in a flat and fertile valley. The farmer was working on the farm for the purpose of his life.

Besides working on his farm, sometimes he went fishing to the river which is not far from his home. Each time he was fishing, it's easy because the fish got in the clear river that is a lot of fish. Pancingannya he cooked the fish to eat.

One evening, after returning from the fields he went straight to the river for fishing. But it was quite a long time he did not provoke any iakan gets. Events like that, never experienced before. Because usually fish in the river is easy to hook him. Because already too long no one takes the bait rod, he was so upset and decided to quit fishing. But when he was about to pull rod, fishing rod suddenly was struck by a fish pulled it away ketengah river fishing. His heart had been upset that turned into a happy, Because he knew that the fish grabbed the pole was a big fish.

After a while he let the rod is pulled to and fro, then hook it disentakkannya, and there was a big fish hanging and floundered at the end of the rope pole. Quickly the fish was pulled to the ground so as not to loose. Smiling, happy eyes pole he was separated from the fish's mouth. By the time he was off the hook, the fish looked at him meaningfully. Then, after the fish was placed into one where he got into the river to bathe. His feeling elated because he had never had fish that big. He smiled as he imagined how good the fish's meat later when it's baked. When leaving the river to return to his house was getting dusk.

Arriving home, he immediately brought a big fish to the kitchen pancingannya results. When he was about to light a fire for grilling fish, firewood in the kitchen turns out her home was gone. He immediately went out to get firewood from the ground under the house. Then, carrying a few pieces of firewood she climbed back into the house and went straight to the kitchen.

By the time he arrived in the kitchen, he was surprised at all because the big fish that is not there anymore. But where the fish was placed seemed stretched a few pieces of gold. With shock and surprise experienced a strange situation, he left the kitchen and entered the room.

When he opened the door, suddenly tersirap blood because in the room stood a woman with her hair long and curly. The woman was combing her hair as she stood facing the mirror that hung on the bedroom wall. A moment later the woman suddenly turned and looked at the man that stood bewildered at the mouth of the door. The man became very fascinated because the face of the woman who stood before him extraordinary beautiful. He had never seen such a beautiful woman that though formerly he had wandered far into the various countries.

Because it was late, she asked that the lights on. After he turned on the lights, he invited her to accompany him kedapur because he wanted to cook rice for them. While waiting for the rice is cooked, as told by her that he was an incarnation of the great fish that had gained him when fishing in rivers. Then explain also that some pieces of gold located in the kitchen it was an incarnation scales. After several weeks she states willing to accept his proposal on condition that he must swear that all his life he would never bring up the origin of her incarnate myang of fish. After he had thus sworn, kawinlah them.

A year later, they were blessed with a son they named Samosir. Sngat spoiled child that resulted in the boy's mother who is less good tempered and lazy .

Once large enough, the boy told his mother drove rice every day for his father who worked in the fields. However, he often refused to do the job that forced her mother to deliver rice to the fields.

One day, the boy told his mother again to deliver rice to the farm for his father. At first he refused. However, because of continued forced his mother, with kesl he went to deliver the rice. In the middle of the road, mostly rice and pauknya she eats. Arriving in the fields, the rest of the rice it is only a little he gave to his father. When received, the father was feeling very hungry because the rice was delivered late. Therefore, it is the father became very angry when he saw the rice given to him are the remains. Growing anger when his son confessed that he who takes up most of the rice it. Patience is the father is lost and she beat her son, saying: "Son of insolent. Not ungrateful. Really you're the offspring of women who come from fish! "

Sobbing, the boy ran home to find her mother at home. To his mother he complained that he had beaten his father. All the words uttered slur on his father tell him anyway. Listening to his son, the mother was so sad, especially because her husband has violated his oath with the words slur he spoke to his son. The mother told her to immediately go up the hill which is located not so far from their home and climb the highest tree located at the top of the hill. Without asking again, the child's mother immediately take command. He ran toward the hill and climb it.

When seen by the mother her son was almost to the top of trees that climb up the hill, he ran toward the river that are not so far away from their homes. When he arrived on the banks of the river is lightning accompanied by thunder, which megelegar. A moment later he jumped into the river and suddenly turn into a big fish. At the same time, the river was flooding and down too heavy downpours. Some time later, the river was already overflowing everywhere and tergenanglah valley where the river flows. Mr. Toba could not save himself, he was drowned by a pool of water. Eventually, it expanded pool of water and turned into a huge lake that later called the Lake Toba. Being a small island in the middle named after the island of Samosir.


Pada zaman kuno di sebuah desa di Sumatera Utara, hiduplah seorang petani bernama Toba sendirian di sebuah lembah yang datar dan subur. Petani bekerja di pertanian untuk tujuan hidupnya.

Selain bekerja di ladangnya, kadang-kadang dia pergi memancing ke sungai yang tidak jauh dari rumahnya. Setiap kali dia memancing, mudah karena ikan masuk sungai jelas bahwa banyak ikan. Pancingannya dia memasak ikan untuk makan.

Suatu malam, setelah kembali dari ladang ia langsung pergi ke sungai untuk memancing. Tapi itu cukup lama ia tidak memprovokasi iakan setiap mendapat. Acara seperti itu, tidak pernah mengalami sebelumnya. Karena biasanya ikan di sungai mudah untuk menghubungkan dirinya. Karena sudah terlalu lama tidak ada yang mengambil batang umpan, dia begitu marah dan memutuskan untuk berhenti memancing. Tapi ketika ia hendak menarik batang, batang memancing tiba-tiba disambar ikan menariknya menjauh memancing sungai ketengah. Hatinya telah marah yang berubah menjadi senang, karena dia tahu bahwa ikan menyambar tiang adalah ikan besar.

Setelah beberapa saat ia membiarkan batang ditarik ke sana kemari, kemudian menghubungkan itu disentakkannya, dan ada ikan gantung besar dan menggelepar di akhir tiang tali. Cepat ikan ditarik ke tanah agar tidak kehilangan. Tersenyum, mata bahagia tiang ia terpisah dari mulut ikan. Pada saat ia lolos, ikan menatapnya penuh arti. Kemudian, setelah ikan itu ditempatkan dalam satu tempat ia masuk ke sungai untuk mandi. Perasaannya gembira karena dia tidak pernah memiliki ikan yang besar. Dia tersenyum sambil membayangkan seberapa baik daging ikan kemudian ketika itu dipanggang. Ketika meninggalkan sungai untuk kembali ke rumahnya mendapatkan senja.

Setibanya di rumah, ia langsung membawa ikan besar hasil pancingannya dapur. Ketika ia hendak menyalakan api untuk memanggang ikan, kayu bakar di dapur ternyata rumahnya sudah pergi. Dia segera pergi keluar untuk mendapatkan kayu bakar dari tanah di bawah rumah. Kemudian, membawa beberapa potong kayu bakar dia naik kembali ke rumah dan langsung pergi ke dapur.

Pada saat ia tiba di dapur, dia terkejut sekali karena ikan besar yang sudah tidak ada lagi. Tapi di mana ikan itu ditempatkan tampak membentang beberapa potong emas. Dengan shock dan terkejut mengalami situasi yang aneh, dia meninggalkan dapur dan masuk ke kamar.

Ketika ia membuka pintu, tiba-tiba tersirap darah karena di dalam ruangan berdiri seorang wanita dengan rambut panjang terurai. Wanita itu sedang menyisir rambutnya sambil berdiri menghadap cermin yang tergantung di dinding kamar. Sesaat kemudian perempuan itu tiba-tiba berbalik dan menatap pria yang berdiri bingung di mulut pintu. Pria itu menjadi sangat terpesona karena wajah perempuan yang berdiri di depannya yang luar biasa indah. Dia belum pernah melihat seperti wanita cantik itu meskipun sebelumnya ia telah berjalan jauh ke berbagai negara.

Karena itu terlambat, ia meminta agar lampu. Setelah dia menyalakan lampu, ia mengundang dia untuk menemaninya kedapur karena dia ingin memasak nasi untuk mereka. Sambil menunggu nasi dimasak, seperti yang diceritakan oleh dia bahwa dia adalah penjelmaan dari ikan besar yang telah mendapatkan dia ketika memancing di sungai. Kemudian jelaskan juga bahwa beberapa keping emas yang terletak di dapur itu adalah penjelmaan sisik. Setelah beberapa minggu ia menyatakan bersedia menerima lamarannya dengan syarat bahwa ia harus bersumpah bahwa seumur hidupnya dia tidak akan pernah memunculkan asal nya myang menjelma dari ikan. Setelah dia sehingga bersumpah, kawinlah mereka.

Setahun kemudian, mereka dikaruniai seorang putra bernama Samosir mereka. Sngat manja anak yang mengakibatkan ibu anak itu yang kurang baik marah dan malas.

Setelah cukup besar, anak itu mengatakan kepada ibunya melaju nasi setiap hari untuk ayahnya yang bekerja di ladang. Namun, ia sering menolak untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang memaksa ibunya untuk memberikan beras ke ladang.

Suatu hari, anak itu mengatakan kepada ibunya lagi untuk memberikan beras ke peternakan untuk ayahnya. Pada awalnya ia menolak. Namun, karena terus dipaksa ibunya, dengan kesl ia pergi untuk menyampaikan beras. Di tengah jalan, sebagian besar nasi dan pauknya dia makan. Sesampainya di ladang, sisa nasi itu hanya sedikit dia berikan kepada ayahnya. Ketika menerima, ayah merasa sangat lapar karena beras itu disampaikan terlambat. Oleh karena itu, ayah menjadi sangat marah ketika melihat nasi yang diberikan kepadanya adalah sisa-sisa. Tumbuh kemarahan ketika anaknya mengaku bahwa dia yang memakan sebagian besar nasi itu. Kesabaran ayah hilang dan dia mengalahkan anaknya, mengatakan: ". Anak kurang ajar Tidak tahu berterima kasih Benar-benar Anda keturunan dari perempuan yang berasal dari ikan."

Menangis, anak itu berlari ke rumah untuk menemukan ibunya di rumah. Untuk ibunya ia mengeluh bahwa ia telah dipukuli ayahnya. Semua kata-kata yang diucapkan cercaan dari ayahnya memberitahu dia pula. Mendengarkan anaknya, ibu sangat sedih, terutama karena suaminya telah melanggar sumpahnya dengan kata-kata cercaan ia berbicara dengan anaknya. Sang ibu menyuruhnya segera pergi ke atas bukit yang terletak tidak begitu jauh dari rumah mereka dan memanjat pohon tertinggi berada di puncak bukit. Tanpa bertanya lagi, ibu anak segera mengambil alih komando. Dia berlari ke arah bukit dan mendaki itu.

Ketika dilihat oleh ibu anaknya hampir ke puncak pohon yang mendaki bukit, ia berlari ke arah sungai yang tidak begitu jauh dari rumah mereka. Ketika ia tiba di tepi sungai yang disertai petir guntur, yang megelegar. Sesaat kemudian ia melompat ke sungai dan tiba-tiba berubah menjadi ikan besar. Pada saat yang sama, sungai itu banjir dan turun hujan terlalu berat. Beberapa waktu kemudian, sungai itu sudah meluap di mana-mana dan tergenanglah lembah tempat sungai mengalir. Pak Toba tidak bisa menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri, ia tenggelam oleh genangan air. Akhirnya, itu diperluas kolam air dan berubah menjadi danau besar yang kemudian disebut Danau Toba. Menjadi sebuah pulau kecil di tengah-tengah dinamai Pulau Samosir.